dynamicがPure Swiftのメソッド・プロパティにも付けられるようになってて、_@dynamicReplacememtで差し替えられる機構がホットリロードに使われてるようで面白い! https://forums.swift.org/t/how-does-the-hot-reloading-work-in-xcode11/25312 https://forums.swift.org/t/dynamic-method-replacement/16619
I'm interested in the hot-reloading demonstrated for SwiftUI. How is this implemented? Could something similar be achieved for a desktop application using the swift toolchain independently of XCode?
Pitch: Dynamic method replacement Introduction Objective-C allows swapping method implementations "swizzling" e.g. via the method_setImplemenation API. We can make use of this facility in Swift by marking methods with @objc dynamic. class Thing : NSObject { @objc dynamic ...
11:51 PM
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11:53 PM
5.0 runtimeへのバックデプロイもやろうとしてる https://github.com/apple/swift/pull/25340
This will allow backward deployment to a swift 5.0 runtime. rdar://problem/51601233