Kishikawa Katsumi 8/9/2023 1:49 AM
自分としては各Xcodeに対応したバージョンをメンテするのはできるんだけどSemantic Versioningとその周辺のツールと相性が良くないねんな。
1:52 AM
https://forums.swift.org/t/macro-adoption-concerns-around-swiftsyntax/66588 ちょうど問題提起がStephenさんからされてたわ。
Macros are one of the most celebrated new features of Swift, and many of us are excited to adopt them in our projects. Many members of the core team are also excited to suggest macros as a solution to many problems. We’d love to hit the ground running and adopt macros in our projects, but the decision to adopt them raises some questions, particu...
1:52 AM
1:54 AM
1:54 AM
^ まあこれはジョーク(皮肉)ですね。 (edited)