omochimetaru 4/20/2019 3:24 AM
As you can probably tell, I've been saving a lot of discussions, waiting for Swift 4.2 to be in a pretty good place before we jump all in on Swift 5. This one's one of the main things I plan to be working on in the next year or so, so I wanted to make sure you all had the big...
3:26 AM
swiftinterfaceができたらswiftmoduleを気にする必要はないんだろうか (edited)
3:26 AM
This also leverages the existing "generated interface" work nicely, and forces it to be round-trippable, which is also great.
3:27 AM
ラウンドトリップにできたらいいね、と言ってるから、 その場合は、どちらをみても完全に同じになる