8:43 PM
XCFrameworks make it possible to bundle a binary framework or library for multiple platforms —including iOS devices, iOS simulators, and UIKit for Mac — into a single distributable .xcframework bundle that your developers can use within their own applications.
universal frameworkじゃん、lipoでsimulator用sliceとdevice用sliceをくっつけなくてよくなる
8:43 PM
8:45 PM
Xcode 11 supports the new Apple Development and Apple Distribution certificate types. These certificates support building, running, and distributing apps on any Apple platform. Preexisting iOS and macOS development and distribution certificates continue to work, however, new certificates you create in Xcode 11 use the new types. Previous versions of Xcode don’t support these certificates.
8:46 PM
Xcode no longer creates every available iOS simulator device by default. Instead a set of the most commonly used devices are created. To create other devices — or multiple instances of a device — open the Devices window, select Simulators, click the + button, enter a name, and select the relevant device type and OS version. (49428617)
シミュレータリストの長さが解消される ☺