omochimetaru 6/7/2022 9:04 AM
9:05 AM
Proposed solution async functions that are not actor-isolated should formally run on a generic executor associated with no actor. Such functions will formally switch executors exactly like an actor-isolated function would: on any entry to the function, including calls, returns from calls, and resumption from suspension, they will switch to a generic, non-actor executor. If they were previously running on some actor's executor, that executor will become free to execute other tasks.
9:06 AM
not actor isolated なら、generic executor になる、別のactorに行って返ってくる時にもgeneric executorに戻る
9:06 AM
9:07 AM
これまでは、non actor isolatedの場合は 実行元のactorを引き継いでいたという事っぽいな