swiftNightly BOT 3/14/2020 2:23 PM
exit status: 1 with stderr:---Constraint solving at [<stdin>:2:1 - line:2:15]--- (overload set choice binding $T0 := (Int, Int) -> ()) (attempting fix [fix: re-label argument(s)] @ locator@0x95ce7c0 [Call@<stdin>:2:1 -> apply argument]) (increasing score due to attempting to fix the source) ---Initial constraints for the given expression--- (call_expr type='()' location=<stdin>:2:1 range=[<stdin>:2:1 - line:2:15] arg_labels=aa:aa: (declref_expr type='(Int, Int) -> ()' location=<stdin>:2:1 range=[<stdin>:2:1 - line:2:1] decl=main.(file).f(aa:bb:)@<stdin>:1:6 function_ref=single) (tuple_expr type='(aa: $T1, aa: $T2)' location=<stdin>:2:2 range=[<stdin>:2:2 - line:2:15] names=aa,aa (integer_literal_expr type='$T1' location=<stdin>:2:7 range=[<stdin>:2:7 - line:2:7] value=1 builtin_initializer=**NULL** initializer=**NULL**) (integer_literal_expr type='$T2' location=<stdin>:2:14 range=[<stdin>:2:14 - line:2:14] value=2 builtin_initializer=**NULL** initializer=**NULL**))) Score: 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Contextual Type: <null> Type Variables: $T0 [lvalue allowed] [noescape allowed] as (Int, Int) -> () @ locator@0x95ce4e0 [DeclRef@<stdin>:2:1] $T1 [noescape allowed] literal=3 bindings={(subtypes of) (default from ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral) Int} @ locator@0x95ce530 [IntegerLiteral@<stdin>:2:7] $T2 [noescape allowed] literal=3 bindings={(subtypes of) (default from ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral) Int} @ locator@0x95ce5e8 [IntegerLiteral@<stdin>:2:14] $T3 [noescape allowed] as () @ locator@0x95ce6f8 [Call@<stdin>:2:1 -> function result] Active Constraints: Inactive Constraints: $T1 literal conforms to ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral [[locator@0x95ce530 [IntegerLiteral@<stdin>:2:7]]]; $T2 literal conforms to ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral [[locator@0x95ce5e8 [IntegerLiteral@<stdin>:2:14]]]; $T1 arg conv Int [[locator@0x95ce818 [Call@<stdin>:2:1 -> apply argument -> comparing call argument #0 to parameter #0]]]; $T2 arg conv Int [[locator@0x95ce8a8 (edited)