// s : S = REPL.S()stderr:---Constraint solving for the expression at [<REPL Input>:1:1 - line:1:9]--- (overload set choice binding $T0 := S) ---Initial constraints for the given expression--- (call_expr type='$T3' location=<REPL Input>:1:3 range=[<REPL Input>:1:1 - line:1:9] arg_labels=_: (unresolved_dot_expr type='$T1' location=<REPL Input>:1:3 range=[<REPL Input>:1:1 - line:1:3] field 'hoge' function_ref=single (declref_expr type='S' location=<REPL Input>:1:1 range=[<REPL Input>:1:1 - line:1:1] decl=REPL.(file).s@<REPL Input>:1:5 direct_to_storage function_ref=unapplied)) (paren_expr type='($T2)' location=<REPL Input>:1:8 range=[<REPL Input>:1:7 - line:1:9] (integer_literal_expr type='$T2' location=<REPL Input>:1:8 range=[<REPL Input>:1:8 - line:1:8] value=1))) Score: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type Variables: $T0 [lvalue allowed] as S @ locator@0x8a91c18 [DeclRef@<REPL Input>:1:1] $T1 [lvalue allowed] subtype_of_existential involves_type_vars bindings={} @ locator@0x8a91c98 [UnresolvedDot@<REPL Input>:1:3 -> member] $T2 fully_bound literal=3 involves_type_vars bindings={(subtypes of) (default from ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral) Int} @ locator@0x8a91df0 [IntegerLiteral@<REPL Input>:1:8] $T3 fully_bound subtype_of_existential involves_type_vars bindings={} @ locator@0x8a91e98 [Call@<REPL Input>:1:3 -> function result] Active Constraints: Inactive Constraints: disjunction [[locator@0x8a91c98 [UnresolvedDot@<REPL Input>:1:3 -> member]]]:$T1 bound to decl REPL.(file).S.hoge@<REPL Input>:2:12 : <X> (S) -> (X) -> () at <REPL Input>:2:12 [[locator@0x8a91c98 [UnresolvedDot@<REPL Input>:1:3 -> member]]]; or $T1 bound to decl REPL.(file).P.hoge@<REPL Input>:2:12 : <Self where Self : P> (Self) -> (Int) -> () at <REPL Input>:2:12 [[locator@0x8a91c98 [UnresolvedDot@<REPL Input>:1:3 -> member]]]; $T2 literal conforms to ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral [[locator@0x8a91df0 [IntegerLiteral@<REPL Input>:1:8]]]; ($T2) -> $T3 applicable fn $T1 [[loc