exit status: 1 with stderr:<stdin>:15:13: error: invalid redeclaration of 'Fuga' typealias Fuga = Int ^ <stdin>:8:13: note: 'Fuga' previously declared here typealias Fuga = String ^ <stdin>:7:1: error: type 'Array<Element>' does not conform to protocol 'Hoge' extension Array: Hoge where Element == String { ^ <stdin>:2:18: note: multiple matching types named 'Fuga' associatedtype Fuga ^ <stdin>:8:13: note: possibly intended match typealias Fuga = String ^ <stdin>:15:13: note: possibly intended match typealias Fuga = Int ^ <stdin>:14:18: error: conflicting conformance of 'Array<Element>' to protocol 'Hoge'; there cannot be more than one conformance, even with different conditional bounds extension Array: Hoge where Element == Int { ^ <stdin>:7:1: note: 'Array<Element>' declares conformance to protocol 'Hoge' here extension Array: Hoge where Element == String { ^