class Observable<Element> : ObservableType { typealias E = Element init() func subscribe<O>(_ observer: O) -> Disposable where Element == O.E, O : ObserverType func asObservable() -> Observable<Observable<Element>.E> @objc deinit func composeMap<R>(_ transform: @escaping (Element) throws -> R) -> Observable<R> } extension Observable { @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "from(optional:)", message: "Implicit conversions from any type to optional type are allowed and that is causing issues with `from` operator overloading.") static func from(_ optional: Observable<Element>.E?) -> Observable<Observable<Element>.E> @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "from(optional:scheduler:)", message: "Implicit conversions from any type to optional type are allowed and that is causing issues with `from` operator overloading.") static func from(_ optional: Observable<Element>.E?, scheduler: ImmediateSchedulerType) -> Observable<Observable<Element>.E> }