@swift-5.7.3 @swift-main @propertyWrapper struct Wrapper { var wrappedValue: Int { 10 } } func call() { @Wrapper var int print(int) } call() (edited)
exit status: 1 with stderr:<stdin>:8:3: error: found an unexpected second identifier in variable declaration; is there an accidental break? print(int) ^ <stdin>:8:3: note: join the identifiers together print(int) ~~^~~~~ intprint <stdin>:8:3: note: join the identifiers together with camel-case print(int) ~~^~~~~ intPrint <stdin>:8:8: error: consecutive statements on a line must be separated by ';' print(int) ^ ; <stdin>:8:9: warning: expression of type 'Int' is unused print(int) ^~~ (edited)