Yuta Saito
@swift-5.7.3 @swift-5.6.3 @rethrows internal protocol _ErrorMechanism { associatedtype Output func get() throws -> Output } extension _ErrorMechanism { internal func _rethrowGet() rethrows -> Output { return try get() } } extension Result: _ErrorMechanism { } @rethrows protocol P { func foo() throws } struct S1: P { func foo() {} } struct E: Error {} func foo<T: P>(_: T.Type) rethrows { _ = try Result<Int, Error>.failure(E())._rethrowGet() } print("start program") foo(S1.self) print("end program") (edited)
swift56 BOT 8/5/2022 3:46 PM
exit status: 139 with stderr:Stack dump: 0. Program arguments: /usr/bin/swift-frontend -frontend -interpret - -disable-objc-interop -new-driver-path /usr/bin/swift-driver -resource-dir /usr/lib/swift -module-name main 1. Swift version 5.6.2 (swift-5.6.2-RELEASE) 2. Compiling with the current language version 3. While running user code "<stdin>" Stack dump without symbol names (ensure you have llvm-symbolizer in your PATH or set the environment var `LLVM_SYMBOLIZER_PATH` to point to it): /usr/bin/swift-frontend[0x5187de3] /usr/bin/swift-frontend[0x5185b7e] /usr/bin/swift-frontend[0x5188176] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0x12980)[0x7f1e8c7a9980] [0x7f1e8cbdb240] [0x7acf840] (edited)