Kishikawa Katsumi 5/16/2023 1:47 AM
Thank you for filing this feedback report. We reviewed your report and determined the behavior you experienced is currently functioning as intended. This is expected when running tests with parallel testing enabled. Xcodebuild output is not intended to be the primary way of accessing test results. Use the .xcresult bundle for that, with xcresulttool for scripting / automated systems. Alternatively, you could disable parallel testing for the bundle, or for the entire invocation by passing -parallel-testing-enabled NO to xcodebuild. If the issue is resolved, you can close this feedback by selecting “Close Feedback” via the Actions button found above. If we don’t hear from you in the next two weeks, we’ll assume the issue is resolved or not reproducible and will consider this issue closed. After this time, you can create a new Feedback report if the issue remains. Thank you.
これはAppleとしては意図的な変更らしい。-parallel-testing-enabled NO にしたら出るようになったけどどういうことなんだろう?コンソール出力が混ざるのを恐れているっていうことなのかな。