omochimetaru 4/3/2024 3:04 PM
$ swift run carton bundle After stripping debug info the main binary size is 20.80 MB Running... wasm-opt -Os --enable-bulk-memory /Users/omochi/work/swiftwasm/MyApp/Bundle/main.wasm -o /Users/omochi/work/swiftwasm/MyApp/Bundle/main.wasm Process failed and produced following output: Warning: wasm-opt failed to optimize the binary, falling back to the original binary. If you don't have wasm-opt installed, you can install wasm-opt by running `brew install binaryen`, `apt-get install binaryen` or `npm install -g binaryen` Copying resources to /Users/omochi/work/swiftwasm/MyApp/Bundle/JavaScriptKit_JavaScriptKit.resources Bundle generation finished successfully could not find executable for 'wasm-opt'
3:05 PM