parameter packとかregexとかはランタイムの実装が足りないとかもありますね
AssumeIsolated(最終手段)で結局Wrapしないといけない場面ありますねw ↓が入ればそこら辺緩和するのかなあと思ってます。 https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/main/proposals/0434-global-actor-isolated-types-usability.md - Stored properties of Sendable type in a global-actor-isolated value type can be declared as nonisolated without using (unsafe). - Stored properties of Sendable type in a global-actor-isolated value type are treated as nonisolated when used within the module that defines the property. - @Sendable is inferred for global-actor-isolated functions and closures. - Global-actor-isolated closures are allowed to capture non-Sendable values despite being @Sendable. - A global-actor-isolated subclass of a non-isolated, non-Sendable class is allowed, but it must be non-Sendable
This maintains proposals for changes and user-visible enhancements to the Swift Programming Language. - apple/swift-evolution
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