https://github.com/apple/swift/commit/f8e53d912954e63f967fc6e0450731a40f4cc08b このコミットのためにつくられたっぽいですね
Add the -warn-implicit-overrides flag when building the standard library and overlays, so that each protocol member that overrides a member of an inherited protocol will produce a warning unless ...
5:23 PM
public protocol BaseP { func foo() func bar() } public protocol DerivedP: BaseP { override func foo() @_nonoverride func bar() } public struct Concrete: DerivedP { public func foo() {} public func bar() {} } のときの witness table が sil_witness_table Concrete: DerivedP module test { base_protocol BaseP: Concrete: BaseP module test method #DerivedP.bar: <Self where Self : DerivedP> (Self) -> () -> () : @$s4test8ConcreteVAA8DerivedPA2aDP3baryyFTW // protocol witness for DerivedP.bar() in conformance Concrete } sil_witness_table Concrete: BaseP module test { method #BaseP.foo: <Self where Self : BaseP> (Self) -> () -> () : @$s4test8ConcreteVAA5BasePA2aDP3fooyyFTW // protocol witness for BaseP.foo() in conformance Concrete method #BaseP.bar: <Self where Self : BaseP> (Self) -> () -> () : @$s4test8ConcreteVAA5BasePA2aDP3baryyFTW // protocol witness for BaseP.bar() in conformance Concrete }@_nonoverride と明示された requirement は別の witness になる。