On the first two points, the core team debated several designs and came to recommend that we keep callable syntax directly aligned with func to keep the function grammar consistent and make naming clear. In particular, the core team recommends picking a standard name (like call or invoke) that can be used as a normal named member, and which is automatically callable with function invocation syntax. This would give us syntax like func call(). With this approach, you can invoke the callable with with either value() or value.call(), and can partially apply the callable with value.call.
Hello Swift community, The review of SE-0253: Static callables ran from March 27... April 5, 2019. The core team is very positive about the idea of this feature, but would like to see some changes to the proposal, followed by another round of public review. As such, the prop...
12:28 AM
let foo = value.callAsFunction ができるのがうれしい理由の一つ?