この前の↓だけど、このロジックでいけば JSONDecoder.decode とかは throws じゃなくて -> Result<...> であるべきということになりそうだけどどうだろう?
I think throws and Result can be seen as addressing different corners of the design space. As the rationale describes, throws was designed for systemic errors, which tend to have a large distance between error source and error handler, so source and handler end up needing to be rather loosely coupled, which was a motivator for the exception-like propagation and lack of specific typing in the current throws feature. Result on the other hand is great for conditions that are intended to be immediately handled by the caller, for which being an regular return value with a more specific failure type is in fact the more convenient representation.
+1 to an unconstrained, two-argument Result type. Referring back to @John_McCall's original error handling rationale, I think throws and Result can be seen as addressing different corners of the design space. As the rationale describes, throws was designed for systemic errors...
4:04 AM
I/O エラーやネットワークエラーみたいなのを "systemic errors" と呼んでいるとすると、それらを Recoverable Error として throws で扱うのに対して、 JSON のデコードの失敗はもっと確定的な処理で、 "an regular return value with a more specific failure type" に適しているように感じる。一種の Simple Domain Error になる?