omochimetaru 8/15/2018 3:14 PM
このへんおもしろかった Data型をFoundationからstdlibに移そうぜスレ https://forums.swift.org/t/move-foundation-data-in-to-the-standard-library/15206 Foundationからネットワーク周りを切り離そうぜスレ https://forums.swift.org/t/pitch-move-urlsession-to-new-foundationnetworking-module/14002/1
This topic has come up a few times over the years, with apparently no objections. The standard library currently exposes no public type for an owned buffer which is released when its last reference becomes unreachable. Currently, the only facility for passing byte-buffers a...
Hi everyone, As we continue to push forward on completing swift-corelibs-foundation, I would like to propose a structural change to help us meet our goals: move URLSession and related types into a new library. Some of the feedback we've received from the SwiftNIO team is th...
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