なるほど、そこも inout がいるんですね・・・。考えてみれば当たり前だ。
1:27 AM
1:27 AM
infix operator => : SwifletPrecedence precedencegroup SwifletPrecedence { higherThan: AssignmentPrecedence associativity: left } func =><T>(lhs: T, rhs: (inout T) throws -> ()) rethrows -> T { var value = lhs try rhs(&value) return value } print([Int]() => { (a: inout [Int]) -> () in a.append(42) }) print([Int]() => { a in a.append(42) }) print([Int]() => { $0.append(42) }) $ swift inout-let.swift inout-let.swift:15:25: error: value of type 'Any' has no member 'append' print([Int]() => { a in a.append(42) }) ^ ~~~~~~ inout-let.swift:15:25: note: cast 'Any' to 'AnyObject' or use 'as!' to force downcast to a more specific type to access members print([Int]() => { a in a.append(42) }) ^ ( as AnyObject) inout-let.swift:16:20: error: value of type 'Any' has no member 'append' print([Int]() => { $0.append(42) }) ^~ ~~~~~~ inout-let.swift:16:20: note: cast 'Any' to 'AnyObject' or use 'as!' to force downcast to a more specific type to access members print([Int]() => { $0.append(42) }) ^ ( as AnyObject)