omochimetaru 5/2/2024 6:50 AM
Hi everyone, I'm incredibly happy to be able to announce the selected projects for this year: Expansion of Swift Macros in Visual Studio Code by @lokeshtr and mentor @ahoppen and @adam-fowler Swift-etcd: A Native Client for Seamless Integration with etcd Servers by @ayushi2103 and mentor: @FranzBusch Lexical scopes for swift-syntax by ...
6:50 AM
6:50 AM
Expansion of Swift Macros in Visual Studio Code by @lokeshtr and mentor @ahoppen and @adam-fowler Swift-etcd: A Native Client for Seamless Integration with etcd Servers by @ayushi2103 and mentor: @FranzBusch Lexical scopes for swift-syntax by @MAJKFL and mentor: @Douglas_Gregor Add a deploy SwiftPM plugin and a Swift-based DSL to the Swift runtime for AWS Lambda by @esraaeiid and mentor: @sebsto (edited)
6:51 AM
WASMマクロランナーはどこへ・・・? (edited)
6:52 AM
AWS LambdaのSwift用のDSL?はなんのこっちゃだな、気になる (edited)