そういえば、Function Body Macrosも見送られてましたね。 Limitations of preamble and body macros: While the proposed design for preamble macros makes it possible to inject both prologue and epilogue code using defer, the inability to examine a thrown error or the function's return value were cited as difficult limitations. Lack of closure support: While the Language Steering Group does agree that it would be useful to have this capability, applying function body macros to closures presents a number of unique challenges that do not apply to regular function declarations. For this reason, we are comfortable slicing closures off as a future direction for their own proposal. https://forums.swift.org/t/returned-for-revision-se-0415-function-body-macros/69114
Hi all, The review for SE-0415: Function Body Macros ran from December 6rd to December 20th. The Language Steering Group has decided to return the proposal for revision. Feedback on this proposal mostly centered around concerns that the two forms of macros specifically proposed would not be sufficient to express the kinds of transformations th...