The review of SE-0414: Region-based isolation ran from December 4th through December 18th. The Language Steering Group has decided that the proposal is returned for revision. The Language Steering Group believes that this proposal addresses an important usability problem in the strict concurrency checking model that eliminates a source of fals...
6:06 PM
Region解析にバグというか穴が2つあるらしくていったん見送られた (edited)
6:07 PM
Hey folks, The review of SE-0413: Typed throws ran from November 16th through December 7th. SE-0413 has been accepted. Most of the major questions about the proposal were worked out during the pitch phase, and review focused on a few remaining details: Parentheses A number of people expressed that they did not like the throws(CatError) synta...
6:07 PM
typed throwsはaccept
👏 4
6:07 PM