omochimetaru 9/9/2023 4:05 PM
Tuple conformances Authors: Slava Pestov Status: Implementation in progress Upcoming Feature Flag: TupleConformances Previous Proposal: SE-0283 Tuples Conform to Equatable, Comparable, and Hashable Review: (pitch) Introduction Tuples cannot conform to protocols today, and this surfaces in the form of obvious limitations, such as not being able...
4:06 PM
タプルのコンフォーマンスのピッチが出た 昔タプルをEquatableにしようとして実装できなかったやつ
4:07 PM
同時にパラメタライズドextensionが導入されててすごい 確かにこれないと書けないんだけど
4:07 PM