omochimetaru 4/29/2023 2:40 AM
/// Returns a URL constructed by appending the given path to self. /// - Parameters: /// - path: The path to add /// - directoryHint: A hint to whether this URL will point to a directory @available(macOS 13.0, iOS 16.0, tvOS 16.0, watchOS 9.0, *) public func appending<S>(path: S, directoryHint: URL.DirectoryHint = .inferFromPath) -> URL where S : StringProtocol https://forums.swift.org/t/back-from-revision-foundation-url-improvements/54605/28
2:42 AM
この新しい URL.appending() 、 Linux版 Foundation に全然追加されないのなんなんだろ? ソース(なさそう): https://github.com/apple/swift-corelibs-foundation/blob/2d23cf3dc07951ed2b988608d08d7a54cc53b26e/Sources/Foundation/URL.swift#L199 実行結果(なさそう): https://discord.com/channels/291054398077927425/430242233468452865/1101699773775499265 (edited)