omochimetaru 8/8/2024 6:48 AM
The custom version string will be passed as-is to the value of -swift-version flag. The custom version string allows a package to support and make use of new language versions which are not known to the manifest API of the current tools version. This is important for packages which want to add support for a newer Swift language version but also want to retain compatibility with an older language and tools version, where the new language version isn't known in the manifest API.
6:48 AM
6:49 AM
バージョンを自動決定する時には swift-tools-version を見るというだけで、ビルド起点側で強制的に指定することができるってことかな? (edited)
6:49 AM
6:49 AM
依存される側のライブラリの swift-tools-version は無視されるんじゃないだろうか (edited)