RE2 Server llbuild2 can perform execution on build servers that implement Bazel's RE2 APIs. There are many OSS build servers that you can stand up for development.
6:50 AM
6:50 AM
llbuildについてはこの動画が多分良くって https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_T-eCToX1I llbuild2は謎に包まれている、よくしらん
👍 1
6:51 AM
Hi all, Almost 4 1/2 years ago, we open sourced llbuild alongside Swift and the Swift package manager. At the time, llbuild was still fairly new, but it's design has largely stood the test of time, powering SwiftPM builds as well as other products like Swift playgrounds and Xcode's XCBuild build system. And in that time, llbuild has driven a lo...
6:51 AM