An examination of build times of Xcode projects that mix Objective-C and Swift, which can contain large bridging headers, shows that the Swift compiler spends a lot of time re-processing the same bridging headers for all the Swift files in a project. In certain projects, each additional Swift file increases the overall build time noticeably, even when the Swift file is quite modest.
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6:42 AM
この -enable-bridging-pch をONにして開発している方いらっしゃいますか?
6:43 AM
6:44 AM
自分は、Debugのみ -enable-bridging-pch をONにして開発してますが、効果あるのかいまいち微妙なので皆さん意見を聞きたく。
6:49 AM
-enable-bridging-pch をONにすると -Bridging-Header.h は Precompileされてるようです。