何らかの用途でサーバーサイドでDateの値を見たい時に直観的なJSTで表示したいと思うんですよね サービスロジックが必要としなくても、少なくともデバッグしたい状況が起きそう Dateもi18nに入れて良いのではないか・・・?
4:30 AM
Tons of great responses here, thank you everyone! I'll try to consolidate some replies here. First, some high level clarifications on the API surface. Darwin Foundation (what we will call 'Foundation framework' to distinguish it) will be a superset of the package, because it will include all of the implementations we cannot remove or refactor ...
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4:30 AM
4:30 AM
Date We litigated this one extensively in the previous discussions about Duration and the conclusion there was to keep it in Foundation. We'll honor that decision by keeping it in Essentials. Date itself is just a Double, really, so it can be used independently of any dependency on ICU. Formatting it, or using it with Calendar or TimeZone does currently require ICU support and therefore those APIs will be in the Internationalization module.