Playgroundのコンソール Playground execution failed: error: 20170520-221301.xcplaygroundpage:42:1: error: type 'String' does not conform to protocol 'BCompatible' extension String: BCompatible { } // ここで error: type 'String' does not conform to protocol 'BCompatible' が出る 20170520-221301.xcplaygroundpage:24:9: note: protocol requires property 'bEx' with type 'String.CompatibleType' (aka 'AExample<String>'); do you want to add a stub? var bEx: CompatibleType { get } ^ 20170520-221301.xcplaygroundpage:36:9: note: candidate has non-matching type 'BExample<Self>' [with CompatibleType = String.CompatibleType] var bEx: BExample<Self> { ^