Kishikawa Katsumi 3/14/2022 1:36 AM
@dgregor79 @stephencelis You can enable the feature by adding a @rethrows attribute on the protocol, but it's not "officially supported"
1:36 AM
Hey all, Here's a pitch for a feature that @Philippe_Hausler, @Joe_Groff, @Tony_Parker and I have been thinking about to make rethrows also work for protocol conformances. It's motivated by some of the concurrency work, but is separable and useful on its own. Philippe has been prototyping it in the compiler so we have a fairly good sense that t...
1:36 AM
This maintains proposals for changes and user-visible enhancements to the Swift Programming Language. - swift-evolution/NNNN-rethrows-protocol-conformances.md at rethrows-protocol-conformances · Do...
1:37 AM