Yuta Saito
@swift-5.5.3 -Xfrontend -parse-as-library import Foundation @globalActor actor OtherActor { static let shared = OtherActor() static func run(_ body: @OtherActor () async -> Void) async { @OtherActor func inner() async { await body() } await inner() } } @main struct Entrypoint { static func main() async throws { print(Thread.current, Thread.isMainThread) await OtherActor.run { let _: () = await withUnsafeContinuation { c in test2 { // com.apple.root.default-qos.cooperative print("t1", Thread.current, Thread.isMainThread) c.resume(returning: ()) } } let _: () = await withUnsafeContinuation { c in test2 { @MainActor () in // com.apple.main-thread print("t2", Thread.current, Thread.isMainThread) assumeMainActor() c.resume(returning: ()) } } } } } private func test1(_ f: @MainActor @escaping () async -> Void) { Task.detached { await f() } } private func test2(_ f: @escaping () async -> Void) { test1(f) } @MainActor func assumeMainActor() { print("Here must be MainActor! but Thread.isMainThread = \(Thread.isMainThread)") }
<Thread: 0x000000000ad55e70> true t1 <Thread: 0x00007f1f68002d40> false t2 <Thread: 0x00007f1f48000c60> false Here must be MainActor! but Thread.isMainThread = false