omochimetaru 2/16/2022 5:55 AM
Hello, Swift community. The third review of SE-0329: Clock, Instant, and Duration has come to an end. This review was narrowly focused on some APIs involving the Duration type; other aspects of the proposal were accepted during prior reviews. Review feedback was much lighter, which is not surprising given the narrow scope of the review. The ...
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5:56 AM
On Darwin platforms this refers to time derived from the monotonic clock, for linux platforms this is in reference to the uptime clock; being that those two are the closest in behavioral meaning.
5:56 AM
For Darwin based platforms this is derived from the uptime clock whereas for linux based platforms this is derived from the monotonic clock since those most closely represent the concept for not incrementing while the machine is asleep.
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5:57 AM
Continuous: Darwin -> monotonic clock; Linux -> uptime Suspending: Darwin -> uptime; Linux -> monotonic clock
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uptimeを使うかmonotonic clockを使うかが、macとlinuxで反転しているんですけど
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