omochimetaru 2/14/2022 5:47 AM
可変長ジェネリックパラメータのランタイムABIについて検討するスレッドが立ってた https://forums.swift.org/t/abi-for-variadic-generics/55213 言語仕様のスレッドはこっち https://forums.swift.org/t/variadic-generics/54511
The language design for variadic generics is well underway, and it's time to start settling on decisions about how we're going to implement it. We can roughly divide the implementation into eight pieces: parsing representation in the AST type-checking representation in SIL AST-to-SIL lowering SIL analyses and optimizations SIL-to-LLVM lowerin...
Hello Swift Evolution, I'm pleased to bring you a refined copy of the variadic generics proposal, which was first pitched in this thread. The proposal text is available inline and online. I look forward to your feedback and questions. Variadic Generics Proposal: SE-NNNN Authors: Robert Widmann Review Manager: TBD Status: Awaiting implem...