async {} -> Taskのinit
"Meet async/await in Swift" では async として紹介されてたんですが、 WWDC のビデオの情報が古いですか?(↓の async のことですよね?) https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2021/10132/?time=1385
はい、最初のbetaは(WWDCのビデオも)まだ古いままのようです。 For reference, here is the full list of concurrency-related proposals included in the first beta. Note, in some cases there can be lag between a proposal being updated in open source and it making it into the build, so some proposal amendments are not reflected in the first beta. For example, beta 1 still requires async { } to launch an unstructured async task rather than the now-proposed Task { }. https://forums.swift.org/t/swift-concurrency-feedback-wanted/49336
Today Apple released the first beta of Xcode 13. This includes Swift 5.5, with support for language-native concurrency. Most of these features have already been accepted as evolution proposals, as well as a few that are still in review. Swift Concurrency is a huge feature, by far the biggest change to the language that has been through the evol...
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