omochimetaru 6/7/2021 2:17 PM
2:18 PM
SSWG updates Since the last time we gave a major update on the SSWG, a lot has happened. First of all, we were very happy to welcome MongoDB and Amazon to the SSWG, represented by Kaitlin Mahar (MongoDB) Simon Pilkington (Amazon) Todd Varland (Amazon) Kaitlin, Simon and Todd officially joined on the 24th June last year. Further changes to...
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2:19 PM
委員は2年の期限があるらしくて入れ替わりがあって、 Gwynne Raskind (Vapor, first term) Tim Condon (Vapor, first term) Konrad Malawski (Apple, first term) Johannes Weiss (Apple, second term)
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