omochimetaru 3/23/2021 5:23 PM
The review of SE-0295 - Codable Synthesis for enums with Associated Values has concluded and the proposal is accepted. You can find the 1st and 2nd rounds of reviews here and here respectively. There was general consensus that the solution would help a number of users, even if the encoding was not unanimously agreed upon. The core team does n...
5:23 PM
5:24 PM
Hello folks, Common feedback during the review of SE–0295, and over the years since the introduction of Codable, is that Codable is not flexible or customizable enough to address all serialization needs. The core team felt it was important to share that while Codable plays a critical role in the Swift ecosystem, the core team does not see Coda...
5:24 PM
5:25 PM
>>47 の BackedCodable はなかなかおもしろい https://github.com/jegnux/BackedCodable
Powerful property wrapper to back codable properties. - jegnux/BackedCodable
5:26 PM