it also feels weird to me that all of these are the same call:
foo(bar: { provideBar() }, baz: { provideBaz() }, garply: { provideGarply() }) foo(bar: { provideBar() }, baz: { provideBaz() }) { provideGarply() } foo(bar: { provideBar() }) { provideBaz() } garply: { provideGarply() } foo() { provideBar() } baz: { provideBaz() } garply: { provideGarply() }
I understand how existing syntax encourages removing the argument label from the first trailing closure rather than the final trailing closure, but I'm worried that this puts us at odds with APIs designed for pre-Swift-5 code, which would put the "heaviest" closure last and "l...
2:22 AM
2:23 AM
omochimetaru が言ってるのは↓の方か。
I understand how existing syntax encourages removing the argument label from the first trailing closure rather than the final trailing closure, but I'm worried that this puts us at odds with APIs designed for pre-Swift-5 code, which would put the "heaviest" closure last and "light" ones in the middle in order to make existing trailing closure syntax feel natural