omochimetaru 8/7/2019 1:48 AM
Swift works great as an infinitely hackable syntactic interface to semantics that are defined by the compiler underneath it. The two options today are LLVM (there's a running joke that Swif...
1:49 AM
Swift for TFのユージンさんがなんかやばいの作ってる
1:50 AM
1:51 AM
This is a public document Swift as syntactic sugar for MLIR Author: Eugene Burmako Last Updated: 8/6/2019 History 2019/8/6 Initial public version of the document that describes five designs for metaprogramming MLIR in Swift. None of the designs have been implemented - we are ...
1:52 AM
1:53 AM
このPRではその一つの実例として #quote(funcName) とすることで関数のSwiftASTを返す言語機能を作った?