There's no IsOptional type of protocol (in the language or standard library) unless I write my own to add it to the opaque type signature
https://forums.swift.org/t/se-0244-opaque-result-types-reopened/22942/10 Optional 互換のプロトコルがないという視点はおもしろい気がする。ちょっと話は変わるけど、もし OptionalProtocol があれば↓みたいなこともできる? enum IndirectOptional<Wrapped>: OptionalProtocol { case none indirect case some(Wrapped) }
What is your evaluation of the proposal? Overall +1, but deferring handling Optionals will impede my ability to fully make use of this feature. For better or for worse, Optionals have a special place in the type system, and there's this weird boundary with them: There's ...
3:31 AM
indirect な Optional ときどきほしくなる。