omochimetaru 8/2/2018 10:07 AM
What's in this pull request? I'm not sure this can be accepted or not. But this is convenient in some cases. Using that: Simplify copy constructor of NSSet and NSDictionary Eliminate getVa...
10:08 AM
slavapestov commented on 13 Aug 2016 I don't think assignment to self in a protocol extension initializer is a bug. Now we do want to change the ABI to make factory initializers more efficient, but the language feature is fine.
10:08 AM
2年前のslavaの見解はバグ (誤読) (edited)
10:09 AM
でもこれはあれだね、extensionのほうの self = factory() の式をバグっていっているので (edited)
10:09 AM
さっきの俺とtarunonの考えとはまた違うね。 (edited)