swiftbot BOT 4/26/2018 2:29 AM
Swift version 4.1 (swift-4.1-RELEASE)
2:29 AM
2:29 AM
/usercode/main.swift:9:7: warning: expression implicitly coerced from 'String?' to Any print(String.init(data: a, encoding: .utf8)) ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usercode/main.swift:9:14: note: provide a default value to avoid this warning print(String.init(data: a, encoding: .utf8)) ~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ?? <#default value#> /usercode/main.swift:9:14: note: force-unwrap the value to avoid this warning print(String.init(data: a, encoding: .utf8)) ~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! /usercode/main.swift:9:14: note: explicitly cast to Any with 'as Any' to silence this warning print(String.init(data: a, encoding: .utf8)) ~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ as Any