先週ここで話してた@inlineableとスペシャライズの話ですけど、改めてプロポーザル読んでみたらそもそもタイトルからスペシャライズって書いてあった。 https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0193-cross-module-inlining-and-specialization.md
swift-evolution - This maintains proposals for changes and user-visible enhancements to the Swift Programming Language.
3:22 AM
The name @inlinable is somewhat of a misnomer, because nothing about it actually forces the compiler to inline the declaration; it might simply generate a concrete specialization of it, or look at the body as part of an interprocedural analysis, or completely ignore the body. However, nothing seemed to read as well as @inlinable.