Use Cases
Our proposal is designed to satisfy several different use cases for such a behavior:
1. Standardizing team workflows
When collaborating on a package, it can be valuable for team members (and continuous integration) to all know they are using the same exact version of dependencies, to avoid "works for me" situations.
This can be particularly important for certain kinds of open source projects which are actively being cloned by new users, and which want to have some measure of control around exactly which available version of a dependency is selected.
2. Difficult to test packages or dependencies
Complex packages which have dependencies which may be hard to test, or hard to analyze when they break, may choose to maintain careful control over what versions of their upstream dependencies they recommend -- even if conceptually they regularly update those recommendations following the true semantic version specification of the dependency.
3. Dependency locking w.r.t. deployment
When stabilizing a release for deployment, or building a version of a package for deployment, it is important to be able to lock down the exact versions of dependencies in use, so that the resulting product can be exactly recreated later if necessary.
3:23 AM
うーん、 commit しなくてもうれしいケースがあるとすると 2 かな?
3:25 AM
いずれにせよ auto pinning では 2 は実現できないから、 auto pinning が enabled な状態のまま、 pins ファイルを ignore するシナリオがよくわかんないな。