Kishikawa Katsumi 12/26/2022 8:33 AM
https://forums.swift.org/t/pitch-custom-metadata-attributes/62016/46 Custom Metadata属性はもう少し練る必要がありそうだな。Unitテストのテストメソッド発見パターン以外のユースケースがあると良さそうだけど。 RealmみたいなORM的なAPIの構築には便利だと思うけどRealmの人でもこの提案はちょっとその場しのぎに見える、みたいな感じになってる。 (edited)
I think that through compiler evaluation we can unite a lot of features that are currently discussed separately. Both upthread and in the macro threads, forms of static introspection/reflection were discussed. Besides the static guarantee and optimization, I don’t see how that’s different from metadata-based runtime reflections. This feature al...