9:03 AM
vision documentのほうにはこういうのも書いてある
9:03 AM
// In the standard library macro(contexts: [.memberDeclaration], external: "MyMacros.MemberwiseInit") func memberwiseInit(access: Access = .public)
9:03 AM
今回のピッチはあくまで expression macro だから
9:03 AM
// In library macro(contexts: [.expression], external: "MyMacros.ColorLiteral") func colorLiteral(red: Double, green: Double, blue: Double, alpha: Double) -> _ColorLiteralType
9:04 AM
9:04 AM
9:05 AM
9:05 AM
There’s a lot of exciting work going on in the Swift project, and it’s hard to keep track of it all because it’s happening in many different repositories, pull requests, and forum threads. To give the community a better view of the big picture, the Core Team surveyed workgroups and developers across the project and collected information about wh...