omochimetaru 7/29/2022 1:05 AM
I think the proposal is nice, and particularly appreciate the attention to detail with defer and repopulating an inout after moving from it. I agree with the general concerns above. move isn't a function and breaks composition in weird ways, it is built-in. I think that Xiaodi's suggestion is good, given that operators feel more "built in". ...
1:05 AM
1:05 AM
ある値を inout 引数に渡す時は & を付けるのと同じように、
1:06 AM
ある値を move に渡す時は、そこで値が破壊される事を示すオペレータを付けるのはどうか let a = foo() let b = move(<-a) ってアイデア。 これにクリスラトナーも賛成意見を書いてる